Kuroko no Basuke EXTRA GAME is a short sequel of the original Kuroko no Basuke manga. It focuses on the events that happen a year after the Winter Cup, shortly after Kagami and Kuroko's second Inter-High.
A movie adaptation of the manga titled LAST GAME, was released on March 18, 2017. Even though LAST GAME is an adaptation of the EXTRA GAME, it follows an original story as well.
1 | First Half | ||
Release date: September 4, 2015 ISBN: 978-4-08-880538-2 Cover character(s): |
Chapters list: 1. Make It Flashy! 2. We're All Gathered Here 3. Time To Teach Them A Lesson 4. There's Still A Way Kuroko no Basuke Epilogues Epilogue 1: Kaijō High Epilogue 2: Shūtoku High Epilogue 3: Tōō Academy |
n/a |
2 | Second Half | ||
Release date: May 1, 2016 ISBN: 978-4-08-880676-1 Cover character(s): |
Chapters list: 5. Leave the Rest to Me 6. We'll Score Three At A Time 7. Then We'll Have To Win, Even If It Kills Us, Right? 8. We'll Definitely Win Kuroko no Basuke Epilogues Epilogue 4: Yōsen High Epilogue 5: Rakuzan High Epilogue 6: Kirisaki Daīchi High Epilogue 7: Seihō High |
n/a |
Shortly after the Inter-High of Kagami and Kuroko's second-year, a street basketball team from the USA called Team Jabberwock came to Japan to play a friendly match against a Japanese college-level street basketball team, Team Strky. Despite their best efforts, Strky is brutally crushed by Jabberwock. After the match, the Jabberwock players insult the players from Strky and all of Japanese basketball, claiming Strky's basketball was at the same level as monkeys and telling the players and crowds to quit playing basketball and kill themselves.
Hearing this, an enraged Kagetora, who was Jabberwock's guide and interpreter for their Japan tour, steps forwards and proposes a revenge match with another Japanese team, to take place in a week's time. Out of pride, the Jabberwock captain, Nash Gold Jr., accepts the challenge. For the revenge match, Kagetora assembles a dream team of all members of Generation of Miracles plus Kuroko Tetsuya and Kagami Taiga, along with bench players Hyūga Junpei, Takao Kazunari, and Wakamatsu Kōsuke, forming Team Vorpal Swords, with the hopes of reclaiming the pride of Japanese basketball.
- EXTRA GAME was published in Weekly Shōnen Jump's Jump Next! spin-off magazine.
- When both volumes of EXTRA GAME are placed next to each other, they form one poster image.
- Sawako Hirabayashi's final novel is a prologue to this manga.
See also[]
- Kuroko no Basuke Chapters
- Kuroko no Basuke Replace PLUS
- Kuroko no Basuke -Replace-
- Kuroko no Basuke Extra
- Kuroko no Basuke NG-Shū
- Kuroko no Basuke Epilogues
- Kuroko no Basuke Official Fan Book CHARACTERS BIBLE
- Kuroko no Basuke Official Fan Book CHARACTERS BIBLE PLUS
- Kuroko no Basuke TV Anime Characters Book Anibus Vol. 1
- Kuroko no Basuke TV Anime Characters Book Anibus Vol. 2
- Kuroko no Basuke TV Anime Characters Book Anibus Vol. 3
v - e | Media |
Anime | Episodes • LAST GAME • Music • DVD |
Manga | Chapters • EXTRA GAME • Popularity polls • Replace PLUS • Extra • NG-Shū • Epilogues |