Kuroko no Basuke Radio Show or KuroRaji is a radio program hosted by Kenshō Ono and Yūki Ono, the voice actors of Kuroko and Kagami. The program has over 78 recordings which were broadcasted onto the Japanese radio stations. These recordings focus on Kuroko no Basuke news, merchandise, as well as interactions between the voice actors.
So far there are only three released volumes of the Radio recordings. These volumes have been titled Kuroko no Basuke Housouiinkai (Basketball Broadcasting Commission of Kuroko). Aside from the Radio volumes, there is a Radio single released as well, containing the opening and ending themes of the show. The opening theme titled "NEXT GAME" and the ending theme titled "Tomorrow Never Lies". Both of these songs are duets that have been sung by Kuroko and Kagami's voice actors.
Kuroko no Basuke Radio CDs[]
Kuroko no Basuke Housouiinkai[]
Theme songs[]
- The Radio show was used to premiere the opening and ending themes of the Kuroko no Basuke anime. The second season's opening theme "The Other Self" by GRANRODEO and the ending theme "WALK" by OLDCODEX, have both been premiered on the show in TV-Size.